Black seed oil benefits

Black seed oil benefits

Black seeds or Nigella sativa make appearances in an impressive variety of traditional curries, pickles, breads, and more. Besides their use in cooking, these little seeds can have an impressive effect on your health. Particularly when it comes to your immune system! Let's take a look at black seed oil's benefits.

Black seed oil cures

Black cumin seeds are tiny, elegantly shaped and matte black in colour. The delicate pale blue and white flowers of the mother plant can be found growing in regions worldwide, from Eastern Europe to Western Asia and the Middle East. 

They may be known by many names (black seed, black cumin, black caraway, shonaiz, kalajira, kalonji among them). But, however they are known to you, black seeds have a rich history when it comes to health. Many cultures, particularly in the Middle East, traditionally believe that black seed oil cures a range of ailments.

Black seed oil benefits in Islam

Throughout the Islamic and Arabic worlds, black seeds are thought to be a universal healer. They have been used in traditional healing for thousands of years. Fascinatingly, they were even  mentioned by none other than the Prophet Mohammad, who claimed that black seeds could cure 'anything except death itself.'

However, this is not the only example of a historical figure extolling the virtues of black seeds. Many others agreed, including the Greek physician Hippocrates, the natural philosopher Pliny the Elder and the pharmacologist, physician, and botanist Pedanius Dioscorides. The latter is the author of “De Materia Medica”, a five-volume encyclopaedia covering herbal medicines, which was referred to for over 1,500 years.

If that weren’t enough, the Holy Bible also mentions black seed as a remedy. What's more, archeologists found it in the tomb of the boy Pharaoh, Tututankhamun.

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